April 11, 2022
Dear Friends and Loved Ones,
A volunteer wrote: I have been working in a girls pod for four weeks. A 16-year-old girl was repeatedly attempting to take her life. Three times the staff intervened. Last week when we arrived you could still see the marks on her neck. That evening we had four incredible, humble, and Spirit filled volunteers in that one pod and a breakthrough occurred with this one young lady.
I, (Andy) was fortunate to be a part of the team that week. The young lady did not want to talk about anything the first 30 minutes or so. One of our brand-new servants related part of her story growing up and the bad things that she had gotten herself into before she finally decided to let Jesus change her life. After the young lady heard her, she said “since you have shared with us, I am willing to share what I went through with you.” She then told us that when she was seven years old her mom was in a very abusive situation and killed herself. When she was 11, she came home to find that her brother had also committed suicide. Knowing this we prayed that the Lord would break the chain of suicide that was over her. The Sunday after this meeting was the anniversary of her mother’s passing.
A week later, we arrived to see that she had a visit from her father, and when she joined our group a bit later, she was able to let us know that she was doing so much better– no suicide attempts, a much healthier and positive outlook, and the staff confirmed that she was achieving her daily and weekly goals. Nothing shy of a miracle. What would have been a very bad week for her turned out to be one of the best she has had. As of this newsletter she is still doing well.
It is truly a blessing watching how God uses his willing servants to bring life where there was only death, light where there was darkness, and hope where there was despair. Your support of this ministry is what makes it possible for a 16-year-old girl to feel loved and have hope.
Thank you,
2120 Academy Circle Ste G
Colorado Springs CO 80909
United States