Weekly Prayer Posts from Thailand
Pleading for God’s Mercy
May 6, 2021
Dear Friends and Loved Ones,
We still are not out of the woods with this particular pandemic. Certain corners of the world may be finally breathing a sigh of relief, but many countries are still wrestling with this extremely complicated virus. If ever the world was in need of God’s intervention — it is now. Our human ingenuity seems to be no match for whatever genius that’s been embedded in this latest germ that has been released on the world. We will need God’s mercy to get past this one!
“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”
Hebrews 4:16
We certainly need all the mercy we can get — but we also need an extra dose of God’s grace as well! The present pandemic is stirring up more turmoil than anyone could have imagined just a year ago. It seems like the longer this continues, the worse conditions are becoming around the world — especially where it involves people. This is why God’s grace is much needed at this time.
“Answer me when I call to you, my righteous God. Give me relief from my distress; have mercy on me and hear my prayer.”
Psalm 4:1
People here in our corner of the world are becoming quite distressed by the unpredictability of the current situation. The fact that no one has any answers to the mounting problems is what is contributing to the growing levels of stress. It is especially complicated for people who don’t have a personal relationship with God.
Here again — prayer is the key. Followers of Jesus have access to God, and are able to talk to their Heavenly Father. They know that God not only hears their prayers — God also answers their prayers! This is the greatest advantage that a believer has in life. Believers know that they are children of a God who really cares!
Your fellow coworkers in Thailand,
Joni & Nangsar
🙏 Prayer Requests 🙏
- Please pray for all of us in Thailand as we are experiencing another wave of the Coronavirus.
- A third wave of the Covid-19 virus is sweeping through Thailand right now and Chiang Mai has been declared a dark red zone — we may need to go into another lockdown if the health authorities can’t get this new spike under control.
- As a precaution — villages up in the hills have once again put up roadblocks at the entrances to their villages to keep outsiders and evil spirits from entering their communities.
- The small square cross hatches of woven bamboo hanging from the fence is to ward off evil spirits.
- Please continue to lift up the people of Burma in your prayers.
- The situation in Burma continues to deteriorate by the day. In the midst of the unfolding chaos, the Christians throughout the country are providing the people caught up in this fight with whatever help and encouragement they can offer during this very difficult time.
- Let’s also lift up the people of India in our prayers.
- The crisis that India is facing is truly beyond comprehension. May God in His mercy bring about a speedy end to the Coronavirus that is devastating the country.