“It is a joy for me to recruit and assist these people in taking such huge steps of faith in their lives. I love mentoring, coaching and challenging them as they grow in their understanding of missions, fund raising and church planting. However, I long to be involved with, or leading, a team of people who are working toward the same goals. Miki and I believe that God may be leading us to return to NZ in order to plant a new church within the next couple of years but we do not have complete clarity about this yet….I also believe that in order for SPCF to become an effective indigenous church planting organization, we will need someone on the ground in NZ and in Australia investing in people and developing leaders. So, I find myself conflicted because I see that God is working through us in the recruiting of new team members, yet our hearts are still very much directed toward NZ….Please keep our family in prayer as we continue to seek and discern His leading.”